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Messages : 111
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Inscription : Dec 2007
Réputation :
14-12-2007, 01:32:16 -
moi je dirait quer les deux ont exister, car les swift gti australienne, donc conduite a droite ont le meme collecteur que les conduite a gauche, et visiblement, Roma a posté un extrai du catalogue de la cultus japonaise a en lire les texte ( enfin ce que j'arrive a dechifrer )
apres quelque recherche j'ai trouver ca, je ne sais pas si ca peux vous aider.
voila des image de swift GTI con duite a droite, on remarque que le maitre cylindre ne gene pas pour un collecteur dit "normal"
maintenant, en me basant sur les extrait du catalogue cultus posté, je ne vois aucune différence entre les deux, donc, je suppose que les cultus ont aussi eu ces collecteur la et visiblement des autre inversé.
mais maintenant pourquoi des inversé, ca je ne sais pas.
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Junior Member
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Inscription : Jan 2008
Réputation :
14-01-2009, 20:22:48 -
j'ai posté un topic pour les différentes phases au cas ou :roll:
civic eg3
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Messages : 111
Sujets : 7
Inscription : Dec 2007
Réputation :
12-11-2009, 21:00:17 -
deterrage car j ai trouvé l explication. en mk1 4 admission différente.
un grand merci a redline gti.
dc mimil semi owned, mdr
Standard MK1:
Left entry manifold
40MM combo TB/AFM
EPI001 ECU - 64K eprom <16K used
CAMs - Std GTi:
I - 8 BTDC 36 ABDC duration 224 (190), lift 7.5mm,
E - 42 BBDC 10 ATDC duration 232 (196), lift 7.5mm, overlap 18
10.0:1 CR
100HP at the flywheel
Cultus MK1:
Left entry manifold
40MM combo TB/AFM
Pipe type extractors
EPI001 ECU - 64K eprom <16K used
CAMs - Cultus:
I - 8 BTDC 36 ABDC duration 224 (192), lift 8.0mm,
E - 42 BBDC 10 ATDC duration 232 (198), lift 8.0mm, overlap 18
11.5:1 CR
115HP at the flywheel
Limited production Cultus MK1 (Suzuki) Group A:
Right entry manifold - small diameter
40MM combo TB/AFM
Pipe type extractors
EPI001 ECU - 64K eprom <16K used
CAMs - Cultus:
I - 8 BTDC 36 ABDC duration 224 (192), lift 8.0mm,
E - 42 BBDC 10 ATDC duration 232 (198), lift 8.0mm, overlap 18
11.5:1 CR
115HP at the flywheel
Subset of Limited production Cultus MK1 (Suzuki) Group A:
Right entry manifold - large diameter
45MM combo TB/AFM
Pipe type extractors
EPI002 ECU - 16K internal ROM - no eprom
CAMs - Group A:
I - 28 BTDC 56 ABDC duration 256 (234), lift 9.0mm,
E - 54 BBDC 22 ATDC duration 256 (224), lift 9.0mm, overlap 50
11.5:1 CR
Unknown HP at the flywheel
Other combinations:
Right entry manifold - large diameter - bored to 48mm
48MM combo TB/AFM (45mm bored out)
EPI002 ECU - 16K internal ROM - no eprom
10:1 CR
Ignition Curve: Base timing 14 degrees at idle, 18deg@1500, 24deg@ 2000, 26deg@2500rpm, 28deg@3000rpm, 32deg@4000rpm, max 34 degrees at 5000rpm, locked to that advance from there until redline.
Unknown HP at the flywheel
In its next form, car was converted to Quad TB's. See the SK4WD car below for some ideas.
SK4WD Rally Car:
55mm Quad TB's
Cultus cams, K&N Filter
Microtech LT8,
11:5:1 Cultus pistons
108.2 HP at the wheels
There is also another group of Suzuki Sport Built MK1's -
has a Suzuki Sport ECU - which I expect to be different to the Group A EPI002 ECU. When I find the Suzuki Sport Sales Brochure, I will add any additional tech info - like gearboxes etc - all the really good stuff that is all but impossible to find
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