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correspondance ecu CA18DET
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23-06-2005, 12:52:08   -   correspondance ecu CA18DET
ECU PINS - Description of use
1 - Coil pack 1 output (via power transistor Unit)
2 - Coil pack 2 output (via power transistor Unit)
3 - Coil pack 3 output (via power transistor Unit)
5 - Boost pressure control solenoid (domestic Japanese cars only, not Euro models)
6 - Air conditioner relay
7 - Tacho drive output to tachometer
8 - Variable intake butterfly control solenoid (domestic Japanese cars only, not Euro models)
10 - Ground
11 - Coil pack 4 output (via power transistor Unit)
16 - ECCS system relay (earth = on)
17 - Injector pulse duty output (to trip computer for fuel usage measurement)
18 - Fuel pump relay (earth = on)
20 - Ground
23 - Knock sensor input
26 - Air flow meter pin B (ground ?)
27 - Air flow meter pin A
28 - Coolant temp sensor input
29 - Oxygen sensor input (unleaded catalyzer model only)
30 - Sensor earth
32 - Check lamp output to check connector (green)
33 - Check lamp output to check connector (red)
37 - Air flow meter pin D (non cat models ? )
38 - Throttle Position Sensor potentiometer (wiper)
41 - Crank angle sensor 180 deg input
42 - Crank angle sensor 1 deg input
43 - start signal (cranking) from ignition switch
44 - Neutral(manual) / park(auto) gearbox switch signal
45 - Ignition On switch signal
46 - Air conditioner thermostat input (ECU controls AC activation)
47 - To check connector ?????
48 - TPS potentiometer battery output (5 volt?)
49 - Battery from ECCS relay
50 - Ground
51 - Crank angle sensor 180 deg input
52 - Crank angle sensor 1 deg input
53 - Speed sensor input via the speedometer
54 - TPS switch (throttle idle position)
55 - Ambient air temp sensor input (sensor is in front of radiator)
56 - ?????
57 - TPS switch (full throttle position)Auto trans? (kick down switch)
58 - battery, unswitched
59 - battery from ECCS relay
60 - Ground
101 - Injector No 1 drive output
103 - Injector No 3 drive output
106 - AAC (aux/idle air control) valve output
107 - Injector drive ground
108 - Injector drive ground
109 - Battery from ECCS relay
110 - Injector No 2 drive output
111 - ? CA18DET A/T ? or pressure reg control valve?
112 - Injector No 4 drive output
115 - Heater output for O2 sensor (unleaded catalyzer model only)
116 - Injector drive ground

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- France
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23-06-2005, 13:13:19   -    
Merki! Wink

S13RB26 300RWkW=>FD3S 250RWkW=>FDstreetport 270RWkW=>BNR32 240AWkW
RLS30-000007 07/1973 L26 work in progress
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