fatty a écrit :Voila, je compte bientot changer de voiture, je serai partant pour une GT4 ou carlos sainz ( et si jamais je trouve po mon bonheur, une 2.0 GT, ms bon, c un dernier recours), j'aimerais donc ke les proprio de GT4 me donne kelke conseil avant d'acheter: kel sont les points a verifier, ya t il d defauts reconnu ki merite une attention particuliére pour l'achat d'une occaze....
Enfin le max d'info pour po etre decu de mon achat, genre la voiture ki a un gros blem (ke j'orai pu voir si je m'etais renseigner) et ki me lache 1 mois apres l'achat, et ki me coute la blinde de neuros.
Voila merci d'avance.
Ceci devient une question récurrente, les experts devraient peut être faire une FAQ sur ce thème
Voici ce qui est dit sur le forum AllTrac :
petit copier/coller, en anglais dans le texte :
These are specific areas to look for on alltracs, other
areas common to all cars (i.e.. struts, tires) are not mentioned
but should be considered
Turbo - Not much to do visually, might want to remove intake hose on compressor side
leading TO intercooler and check for oil (shouldnt be any). Checking for oil
on inlet side will probably lead to oil, a film on hoses or small puddle is normal
blowby from the PVC system, big puddles indicate a lot of oil escaping the
combustion chamber.
Radiator - If it is a toyota unit, check it for cracks in the top tank which is plastic. This is a
common failure area, if it hasnt been replaced just plan to replace it for safeties sake
Power Steering - Make sure that PS system is not leaking, unfortunately it can be confused with a leaking
valve cover gasket and is hard to determine other then watching PS fluid level. Repairing
the PS is a major hassle and should ALWAYS be done when the engine has been removed
Leaks - This engine has more places to leak then Carter has little pills
Very common - Valve cover gasket, especially if it has Toyota phillip screws installed,
easy to fix
Distributor O-ring external, easy to fix
Distributor - internal - Oil in Distributor cap = need rebuilt distributor
Oil cooler - Pain to fix, replace "hose from hell" water hose while at it
Oil pan
Major service done - timing belt, fuel filter, etc...
Wheel bearings - When testing car and car is still cold, listen for a moaning (pump like sound) that starts abruptly
at some engine speed and basically stays constant no matter how much the speed increases.
Car should be quiet, any kind of "pump" sound indicates a bad wheel bearing(s)
Rear Differential cushion - If car clunks when transitioning (i.e.. letting of accelerator, accelerating, or changing from reverse
to forward gear, or going around a corner) then this cushion is bad. This is NOT a subtle bang,
it will definitely get your attention!
Clutch - when driving and at rest make sure that there is NO resistant to changing gears, either up or downshifts
Lug it in high gear and nail it and check if clutch holds (or slips), Most of the time the clutch lets go
by having springs breaking (nice sproing sound when engaged clutch) and wedging into clutch assembly
which causes resistance to shifting. NOTE: On lower mileage car I solved a hard shifting problem by
replacing the main and slave clutch cylinders.
Master & Slave clutch cylinders - If car has low mileage and/or has had clutch replaced and still resists gear changes check these. Have someone
work pedal and observe movement of little piston on slave cylinder (under the starter). Check the metal rod
attached to clutch pedal and see if its wet, if so then the master slave cylinder is leaking. In either case check
the fluid level
Working A/C - Make sure A/C works, if not see if the recall work has been done on it
System 10 head unit - Make sure that power antenna works, make sure that CD player does NOT have low ouput or noisy output
Wear on drivers leather seat - Wear on outside drivers bolster, general conditon of leather
Carpet/floor mats - You can only get grey carpet from the dealer at this time (600 for set) and floor mats are not available!
Make sure "check engine" light is working - Make sure it lights when ignition k ey is turned on, make sure that someone isnt hiding codes
Test Drive - Test engine under boost, shouldnt stumble or smoke excessively. Initial puff of smoke upon boost is normal,
Engine is getting an initial oversupply of gas and thereby get a puff of black smoke. a black sooty tailpipe is
normal on these cars
Tim Plessing
2 X 1990 celica turbo alltrac
1 X 1993 MR2 turbo
So, any comments