Japan Car

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C'est pas une 200SX blanche avec "Akina Speedstar" que j'ai croisé l'autre soir sur les Champs devant Le Queen? LOL :]
exmortis a écrit :J viens d aller faire un tour sur ton site ... j aime bien la maniere dont tu as mis les photos ... et le reste est sympa...

Je dois changer ton fond de page mais j'ai un soucis avec le programme de retouche d'image.
Leviathan oui bien sur, pourquoi tu t'es pas arrêté ? :]

Tu viens vendredi soir au Cléopatra Place d'Italie ? :]
My car:
[Image: meet%6003.jpg]
[Image: top.jpg]
[Image: bodykit.jpg]

A lot more parts to built in soon! (2 garages full)
sympa celle là !
you're car is very very nica :top: it loock like an 240 sx who drift in a movies !!

Magnifique celle la Shock
Angelus a écrit :[Image: top.jpg]

c'est quoi ces jantes Shock ?????
D'apres son site, ceux sont des LENSO PASSION

Et le site du fabricant [Image: PAS-PASSION_506.jpg]
merci Wink
la noir la elle est magnifique wink
magnifique je viens de voir ce post
et c'est le seul mot qui me vient à l'esprit Shock
j'en veut une 8)
japan-devil a écrit :la noir la elle est magnifique Wink
Clair, la Type S ou X est la plus belle des S13 jamais produites à mon goût :lov:
Sorry, I understand just a little bit french! Sad

But it sounds, that there are very nice compliments about my car! Thank you very much! Big Grin

What would you think, if I would paint it blue?
in black it's very well...

so what kind of blue would you want? (sorry if my english is too bad) Wink
No problem with your english! Yes

I really like this blue!
[Image: p11100254sb.th.jpg]
Oula you would paint you're car at color of a Honda !? LOL

this is not for gain power ? LOL sorry it's a joke

in my opinion i think i it's quite pity !! because you're car are so sumptuous in is black dress

oula j'espere pas avoir dis trop de connerie Wink et dsl au anglophone comme dj spark si ma grammaire est pas tres bonne ( remarquer ça peu pas etre pire qu'en français LOL )
nice blue!!!
but i like in black..so it's your car LOL

Angelus a écrit :I really like this blue!
[Image: p11100254sb.th.jpg]
Raaaa !!! I also fell in love with this blue :lov:
Hehe, the colour of a very special Honda! Wink

My car needs definately a new paintjob. I´m also a bit tired of black, maybe the new colour will give me the feeling to own a new car...

Should look something like this (without the wing):
[Image: carstudio_japan-img600x400-1097477353180fullno.jpg]
[Image: carstudio_japan-img600x400-1097477364180rear.jpg]

Very very nice I think! Yes 8) :appl: What do you think?
Yes very nice colour on this car... it feel like a new car...

good idea! Wink

it would be fabulous for your car! Smile
I love it with or whitout wing .... and the wheels are so pretty Wink
if you paint your car in blue ..... i kill you with a spoon ... to be long lol

nice car

where did you buy your front bumper ???? and price ???
You`re not a friend of blue cars, are you? Big Grin

I bought a complete kit from AIT Racing. Cost me 1004€ incl. shipping, all taxes and custom. Normally it would cost more, but I ordered together with a friend.

Oh, my winker holes are custom made! Wink

[Image: blinker01.jpg]
Angelus a écrit :Hehe, the colour of a very special Honda! Wink

My car needs definately a new paintjob. I´m also a bit tired of black, maybe the new colour will give me the feeling to own a new car...

Should look something like this (without the wing):
[Image: carstudio_japan-img600x400-1097477353180fullno.jpg]
[Image: carstudio_japan-img600x400-1097477364180rear.jpg]

Very very nice I think! Yes 8) :appl: What do you think?

Je vais me faire la même sur GT4
Nice blue, but Black .... simply wonderful.

Ma pauvre S13 stock fait tache à coté .

[Image: img11494sp.jpg]
very nice in blue

i prefer black but it's youre car and if you like blue paint must do it to find new car
Shock euh ! on est sur un forum anglais LOL

la bleue est :coer: magnifique
Si tu veux j'ai une bonne adresse pour tous ce que tu veux comme pieces (j'ai un pote qui est specialiste en S13, S14, sky, et toute nissan un peu "special")
contacte moi par mp si t'es interessé :top:
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