boyou2 a écrit :didier,j'ai commande maintes et maintes fois chez Ihavezparts,jamais eu de soucis,bizarre 
bref,beaucoup de fois commandes sur ebaymotors,jamais de couilles,bien se renseigne sur les FDP AVANTS d'encherir,demande,si possible,de se faire livre par USPS,ca passe par la poste,donc moins grille que DHL/UPS etc....,par contre,la couille de se faire livre en 'gift',c'est que si le paquet est baisse,pour demande un remboursement a la poste a hauteur de ce que l'on a paye,ba pas possible 
bien choisir le vendeur,selon ses eval',le nombre d'articles vendus,bref,un mag' qui a bonne reputation,et ne pas se fier aux cas d'eval' negative isolées,car des couacs,aussi parfait soit-on,ca arrive 
Tiens monsieur Boyou, voilà à quoi ressemble un vendeur pas très ordonné pour ne pas dire pas très honnête :
La on regrette vraiment que le gars soit aussi loin...
Message du 08/06/07 17:16
De :
A : "Mary Lewis"
Copie à :
Objet : Re: 150123671660, 150127957652, 150127991233, 150128359286 and 150127961252
Hi, Thank you for your proposition, but calling you is probably not the best solution, since international calls are still expensive and since there are 10 hours of time shift between us. I don't ask you to to refund me, I don't need those 42 $, but I actually need those items. So I just like you to send those item, as it was agreed. I am also very disappointed you didn't ended the auctions on item 150127961252. I hoppe you don't feel stressed by my previous mails, but english is not my native language, I am fed up with waiting, and it's sometimes more difficult than it seem to be polite and to express delicately what you want in a foreign language. You have my postal address, please confirm the shipping when it will be ready. Thx,Didier
Message du 07/06/07 21:06
De : "Mary Lewis"
A :
Copie à :
Objet : Re: 150123671660, 150127957652, 150127991233, 150128359286 and 150127961252
Please call me at 858-688-6342. I am going to refund the $42 and ship just your auctions at the shipping cost I quote you...this is to much hassle for to little money.....
----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
To: Mary Lewis
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2007 2:24:06 AM
Subject: Re: 150123671660, 150127957652, 150127991233, 150128359286 and 150127961252
I am rather patient but I think it's time to clarify some points :
- I asked you if it was possible to make a combined shipping with the item i have just won and payed the day before and you told me OK : (your answer :" I can sell them for $15 and put them with your order for free if you like. Thank you.")
- I have accepted to give you some extra dollars for a buy it now price for this item, that would allow you to make the shipping ASAP (before the end of bidding), and it was not that small. (remember I have accepted to pay $15 instead of $9.95 , and $8 for an item that was sold $0.95, and 10 instead of 4,95 for the last one)
Since the first item I bought, I have always been cute, patient and helpfull, (even when I found your question about auction number a little bit strange) but I absolutely refuse to pay $48.50 (a 20 pound shipping cost) for such a small shipping that is certainly under 2 pounds. Should I remember you that YOU told me that there would be no additionnal shipping cost, so if there is a mistake and an extra cost it's YOUR responsability.
But since you still haven't shipped the last three item I won for $20.89 (150127991233,150127961252,150127957652 at $0.95+$0.99+$9.95) and the next one (0128359286 at $4.95), and since I have payed you $42 yesterday for those items, there is an extra of $16.16 that should be be enought for the shipping cost.
I ask you to make a ACTUAL quotation for shipping those items (don't answer me $48.5 please). If the shipping price is under the 16.16 extra dollars I already gave you yesterday as a bonus (paypal 7S307038MH114551V, 42$), I will expect you to send it asap and keep the difference. Then not, I will expect you to pay the difference, or I will take this in consideration at the time I will leave evaluations, and open an ebay dispute procedure because I think that such a behaviour is not what i am expecting from an ebay power seller.
Didier Gandilhon
Message du 06/06/07 18:58
De : "Mary Lewis"
A : "" <>
Copie à :
Objet : Re: 150123671660, 150127957652, 150127991233, 150128359286 and 150127961252
I did not know your auction number and already sent the package with the seat rails. I will need another $48.50 for shipping......
----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
To: Mary Lewis
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2007 1:48:37 AM
Subject: 150123671660, 150127957652, 150127991233, 150128359286 and 150127961252
Dear Mary Lewis,
didier gandilhon just sent you money with PayPal.
didier gandilhon is a Verified buyer.
Payment Details
Amount: $42.00 USD
Transaction ID: 7S307038MH114551V
Subject: 150123671660, 150127957652, 150127991233, 150128359286 and 150127961252
Here is a summary:
- seat rails: item number 150123671660 already paid $58.45 by paypal on 31st May, including final buy price $9,50 and shipping cost $48,50, Paypal identification number 8D3766614D683800G
- fuse box relay, item number 150127957652, bidding at $9.95, ok for a $10 buy price and for a FAST combined shipping with item 150123671660
- FUEL GAS REGULATORS REGULATOR Z32, Item number 150127991233, bidding at $9.95, ok for a $15 buy price and for a FAST combined shipping with item 150123671660
- POWER MIRROR SWITCH w/ DEFROST Z32 Item number: 150128359286, bidding at $4.95 ok for a $10 buy price and for a FAST combined shipping with item 150123671660
- INTERIOR PASSENGER DOOR GRAB HANDLE Item number: 150127961252, bidding at US $0.99.
I think that $8 dollars would probably be over the price of a brand new item in a Nissan shop, but I am ok for that price, since I expect FAST combined shipping with item 150123671660.
I will appreciate you to ship those items very quickly because I am supposed to go on vacation on 16 June, so I would be happy to get them before leaving. That's the reason why I outbid myself for $18 over the current bidding.
So please, send me a request payment for those items 150123671660, 150127957652, 150127991233, 150128359286 and 150127961252 for a total amount of $42, and you will receive my payment some hours after and will be able to send those item.
View the details of this transaction online
Shipping Information
Address: XXXXXXXXXXXXX, M. Gandilhon
XXXXXXX Avenue Le Corbusier
59042 Lille cedex FRANCE
Address Status: Unconfirmed
Important Note: didier gandilhon has provided an Unconfirmed Address. If you are planning on shipping items to didier gandilhon, please check the Transaction Details page of this payment to find out whether you will be covered by the PayPal Seller Protection Policy.
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team
PayPal Email ID PP274
Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.
Message du 05/06/07 23:43
De : "Mary Lewis"
A :
Copie à :
Objet : Re: An other order from me : Re: Question about combined shipping for item #150127991233 - 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX FUEL GAS REGULATORS REGULATOR Z32
For the seat rails....
----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
To: Mary Lewis
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2007 1:59:05 PM
Subject: Re: An other order from me : Re: Question about combined shipping for item #150127991233 - 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX FUEL GAS REGULATORS REGULATOR Z32
ok for 42 dollars, please send the request payment asap
Message du 05/06/07 18:10
De : "Mary Lewis"
A :
Copie à :
Objet : Re: An other order from me : Re: Question about combined shipping for item #150127991233 - 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX FUEL GAS REGULATORS REGULATOR Z32
I need $15 for the fuel regulators, $10 for the mirror swtich, $8 for the handle, $10 for fuse box. THe total would be $42 in addition to the seat rails. Thank you
----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2007 1:56:37 AM
Subject: An other order from me : Re: Question about combined shipping for item #150127991233 - 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX FUEL GAS REGULATORS REGULATOR Z32
Hi again,
I forgot to tell you i am also interested in this item : 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX POWER MIRROR SWITCH w/ DEFROST Z32, please add it to the invoice, the total amount should be $31 i think
It seems i am soon going to become one of your favorite buyer !
Thx Didier
It's ok for the price at $15 for the fuel gas regulator. The bidding will end in 2 days, probably at 9,95, but i would appréciate to get items asap sinc I need them to restart my car, and 5$ is a very small reward for all the extra work I have requested from you.
I am also interested in others items from your shop : 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX INTERIOR PASSENGER DOOR GRAB HANDLE, and 1990 NISSAN 300ZX INTERIOR MAIN FUSE BOX RELAY Z32.
So please send me a paiement request for $26, and i'll pay by paypal immediately for those 3 items, so you can send the regulator and the door grab handle and the fuse box relay at the same time with the DRIVER SEAT FRAME RAILS .
I thank you for your help, you already get a positive evaluation from me.
Message du 04/06/07 19:22
De : "Mary Lewis"
A :
Copie à :
Objet : Re: Question about combined shipping for item #150127991233 - 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX FUEL GAS REGULATORS REGULATOR Z32
I honestly do not know if they are the same as turbo, but I think so. I can sell them for $15 and put them with your order for free if you like. Thank you.
----- Original Message ----
From: eBay Member: didiergandilhon
Sent: Saturday, June 2, 2007 3:03:16 AM
Subject: Question about combined shipping for item #150127991233 - 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX FUEL GAS REGULATORS REGULATOR Z32
eBay sent this message to Mary Lewis (ihavezparts).
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Question from didiergandilhon
didiergandilhon( 27)
Positive feedback: 96.6%
Member since: Apr-01-05
Location: Île-de-France, France
Registered on:
Item: 90-96 NISSAN 300ZX FUEL GAS REGULATORS REGULATOR Z32 (150127991233)
This message was sent while the listing was active.
didiergandilhon is a potential buyer.
I have payed yesterday on of our other item (90-96 NISSAN 300ZX DRIVER SEAT FRAME RAILS Z32) N° 150123671660.
I would like to buy from you the item 150127991233 ( SET OF FUEL REGULATORS FROM A 1991 NISSAN 300ZX NON-TURBO)IF this item is also complient with a TURBO 300 ZX only.
Could you confirm the compliance between turbo and nonturbo parts, and if positive, make a combined shipping for those item ? (if the first one is not sent)
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Details for item number: 150127991233
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End date: Wednesday, Jun 06, 2007 20:05:01 PDT